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Time is TBD


Location is TBD

Mr Cioffo's Dream - CANCELLED

In a nutshell, it’s a show for anyone who would like to have a simple, fun and exciting experience.

Registration is Closed
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Mr Cioffo's Dream - CANCELLED
Mr Cioffo's Dream - CANCELLED

Time & Location

Time is TBD

Location is TBD

About the event

IMPORTANT NOTICE Dear friends / associates, we regret to inform you that we will be cancelling the event arranged for Saturday 21 March. As you can understand, this decision was made to safeguard everyone's health, taking into consideration the worsening of the situation related to the Corona Virus in the UK. We apologise for the inconvenience, and we hope to be able to propose Mr Cioffo's Dream very soon. In the meantime, continue to follow the Sardinian Embassy of London on the website and on social media, and take care of yourselves! See you soon! The Board

COMUNICATO IMPORTANTE Carissimi amici/soci, Con grande dispiacere dobbiamo comunicarvi che siamo costretti a cancellare l’evento di sabato 21 Marzo. Come potete capire, questa decisione è stata presa per salvaguardare la salute di tutti, considerando il peggioramento della situazione relativa al Corona Virus in UK. Ci scusiamo per l’inconveniente, e speriamo di poter riproporre Il Sogno di Mr Cioffo molto presto. Nel frattempo, continuate a seguire la Sardinian Embassy of London sul sito e sui social, e abbiate cura di voi! A presto! Il Direttivo

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